Monday, April 5, 2010


As I awoke this morning I was in panic mode thinking about what the day had in store for me. My two oldest were going to take their year end evaluation test! I have been dreading these next three days for weeks! Did I teach them enough, did I pack in enough this year so they can go back to regular school next year, Did I?? Did I??? Did I??? As they walked into their classrooms each with their own grade levels tears filled my eyes and a sense of peace came over me like a waterfall. "Joelle, even if you haven't done enough its ok. This is why we are doing this." No, that was not the Holy Spirit talking to me, but my sister in law Sherry. Although, It definitely was a God thing that Sherry rode with me this morning. She can always calm me down. I am so thankful for God's grace through family and friendship. He gives us these tiny glimpses of the Kingdom through the little things that overwhelm us in our day to day life. Homeschooling is a challenge for me because I often don't rely on Him for my strength and wisdom. I try to do it all myself and then end up a blubbering mess telling people how much I hate it on facebook. ~LOL~ The truth is I really loved it this year and I am so thankful that God has given me this season in my life to stay home with my kids and to be able to do this. God's grace is awesome! So, grateful to be covered in it.

1 comment:

  1. Joelle - I bet the kids did better than you think. You are very blessed to have had this opportunity. I applaud you for what you have done and God has allowed you to do this matter what the outcome.

    Jen W.
