Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Phew...Glad that Day is Over With....

Did you ever have one of those days that you wish just would have never happened? I am talking about the kind of day that even the slightest noise annoys you and makes you snap just like that? Well, that was today...I started out with such an accomplished morning. I swept, mopped, cleaned bathrooms, folded mounds and mounds of laundry, not exaggerating here, pack a little for the our upcoming trip, and managed to get a shower! If anyone would have observed me they would have put me in the running for mom of the year! But you know what happens when you thing YOU have it all together? BOOM! POW! KER PLUNK!! Everything goes wrong!! And I mean everything!!! I will not go into the lengthy details, but it was bad!

This is why I am so thankful for Holy Spirit. He quickly shows me how blessed I am, reveals my iniquities, and reminds me of my hope in Christ.
As I scooped up a sleeping 6 year old Caleb in my arms to take to bed, I just paused there for a minute and embraced the peace that he gave me at that moment. This is who I am in my Fathers arms. When I have a bad day and feel like I have said all the wrong things to my children or was truly a bad example to them. Or for that matter anyone who came in contact with me that day. I can remember that as quickly as I repent He scoops me up into His arms and whispers peace and this promise into my ear.

As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12

I pray that I don't ever try to have it all together or give the appearance that I do because I can't and I never will in this life. But He promises me that I am being made into the likeness of Him and for that I am thankful. I have a hope even though I might forget for a time. Glory to His name Alone!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Others, Others, Others

Waking up this morning I felt rested, loved and adored. The Lord blessed our weekend with nice weather, family, and reflection. As I took Caleb to school my mood quickly turned to sadness. I tuned into a radio station that I do not often turn to and listened to the heartbreak of some moms who were hurting because of the hard mothers day that they had just experienced. One mother had recently gone through a divorce and the visit fell onto her ex-husbands weekend to have her 5 yr old. She said with tears in her voice, "he just wouldn't change the weekend with me, he is still very bitter." I sympathized with her and felt her pain. I cannot imagine being without my babies on Mothers Day. Hurt is all around us...Sadness....loneliness....the list can go on and on. Sometimes(most of the time) we get so caught up in our own life, that at the moment can be going great. We forget to look out, reach out and be that light that we are called to be. As I pulled into my driveway Miss Antoinette was walking her dog, an elderly neighbor that I chat with once in a while. She always comes up to me and comments on my home, children, or doggies. She asked me how my Mothers Day was and told her it was wonderful. She always cheers me up and makes me realize how blessed I am right where I am in my life right now. She ended the conversation with "getting old is for the birds." I giggled and told her to have a wonderful day...and she said "you too! you are always so sweet." The Lord really opened my eyes this morning and made me remember that this life is not all about me! Christ was always looking out for the needs of others. I need to smile more, love more and then love and smile some more. So, that others might see even a hint of Christ in me and that He would ultimately be glorified.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Along the way.....

This past weekend was very relaxing and reflective as Shane and I were able to get away for one night and travel to Georgia for a wedding. Saturday morning we woke up at 5 am at my parents house (who kept my children and puppy) to get on the road and make it there at a decent time to get ready for the festivities. As we drove we talked about homeschooling and the challenges of that particular subject for a while. We chatted about the children and the unique qualities that God has given each one. We got to our hotel in time to take a nice nap and enjoy some lunch before the wedding.
The ceremony was gorgeous with everything centered around Christ. There was beautiful worshipful music played and the scripture they the pastor referenced was John 14. It talks about how Christ went to prepare a place for us, his gorgeous bride. The pastor referenced back to Bible times where the soon to be husband would go to the father of the bride and put down a dowry for her, a payment. Then he would leave and go prepare a place by adding on a room for her and him to live. Days, weeks, maybe months would go by. If the bride-to be was nervous that he had forgotten about her all she had to do was to go and look at the payment and she then knew that he would be back to get her. It really made me realize what a wedding truly was and why He calls us His bride. We are His treasure because of what Christ has done on the cross. He went to prepare a place for us His beautiful blemish free bride and one day He is coming back for us. Along the way we may think that He has forgotten about us and months may turn into years-years may turn into decades-decades into centuries, but we only have to remember His payment and know that He will keep His promise.
The weekend is one I won't soon forget and I hope to revisit soon. Memories that I will hold in my heart forever.