Monday, May 10, 2010

Others, Others, Others

Waking up this morning I felt rested, loved and adored. The Lord blessed our weekend with nice weather, family, and reflection. As I took Caleb to school my mood quickly turned to sadness. I tuned into a radio station that I do not often turn to and listened to the heartbreak of some moms who were hurting because of the hard mothers day that they had just experienced. One mother had recently gone through a divorce and the visit fell onto her ex-husbands weekend to have her 5 yr old. She said with tears in her voice, "he just wouldn't change the weekend with me, he is still very bitter." I sympathized with her and felt her pain. I cannot imagine being without my babies on Mothers Day. Hurt is all around us...Sadness....loneliness....the list can go on and on. Sometimes(most of the time) we get so caught up in our own life, that at the moment can be going great. We forget to look out, reach out and be that light that we are called to be. As I pulled into my driveway Miss Antoinette was walking her dog, an elderly neighbor that I chat with once in a while. She always comes up to me and comments on my home, children, or doggies. She asked me how my Mothers Day was and told her it was wonderful. She always cheers me up and makes me realize how blessed I am right where I am in my life right now. She ended the conversation with "getting old is for the birds." I giggled and told her to have a wonderful day...and she said "you too! you are always so sweet." The Lord really opened my eyes this morning and made me remember that this life is not all about me! Christ was always looking out for the needs of others. I need to smile more, love more and then love and smile some more. So, that others might see even a hint of Christ in me and that He would ultimately be glorified.

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