Sunday, May 2, 2010

Along the way.....

This past weekend was very relaxing and reflective as Shane and I were able to get away for one night and travel to Georgia for a wedding. Saturday morning we woke up at 5 am at my parents house (who kept my children and puppy) to get on the road and make it there at a decent time to get ready for the festivities. As we drove we talked about homeschooling and the challenges of that particular subject for a while. We chatted about the children and the unique qualities that God has given each one. We got to our hotel in time to take a nice nap and enjoy some lunch before the wedding.
The ceremony was gorgeous with everything centered around Christ. There was beautiful worshipful music played and the scripture they the pastor referenced was John 14. It talks about how Christ went to prepare a place for us, his gorgeous bride. The pastor referenced back to Bible times where the soon to be husband would go to the father of the bride and put down a dowry for her, a payment. Then he would leave and go prepare a place by adding on a room for her and him to live. Days, weeks, maybe months would go by. If the bride-to be was nervous that he had forgotten about her all she had to do was to go and look at the payment and she then knew that he would be back to get her. It really made me realize what a wedding truly was and why He calls us His bride. We are His treasure because of what Christ has done on the cross. He went to prepare a place for us His beautiful blemish free bride and one day He is coming back for us. Along the way we may think that He has forgotten about us and months may turn into years-years may turn into decades-decades into centuries, but we only have to remember His payment and know that He will keep His promise.
The weekend is one I won't soon forget and I hope to revisit soon. Memories that I will hold in my heart forever.

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