Sunday, October 10, 2010

In the blink of an eye....

I wish that I had more time for this blogging thing. I so look forward to sitting down and journaling my thoughts and reflections about what the Holy Spirit is doing in and through our life. But with 3 kids that are all home schooled there is hardly time for that. Not that I am complaining because I have TRULY fell in love with homeschooling this year. The Lord has given me insight into my weakness' and really convicted me of my laziness in the area of organization. Don't get me wrong....I have a long way to go. I am a piler and I have a problem...I pile bills, books, junk, laundry. Whatever I can get my hands on I make into a pile. Not to mention this gets on Shane's last nerve. But I try to remind him that if I can find it in 10-15 minutes it is not disorder! :) All joking aside, I am so thankful that this year has gone a lot smoother than last year because of my preparedness and with lots and lots of PRAYER.

My kids are growing up at such an alarming-rapid pace that I can hardly breath. Last week, Jax my oldest, I saw in a different light. Seeing him step into that leader role that I have been praying about is bittersweet. He gets up does his chores and starts on his schoolwork. I thought we would never get here. He is also getting more confident about sports. It is really encouraging to see him to be excited to go to baseball practice. Praying fervently that God would use his sweet spirit to do mighty things for the kingdom!
Noelle is still a tough cookie, but the Lord works quickly and swiftly on her heart. She is quick to ask for forgiveness and what a marvelous thing this is to witness. About a week ago she asked me if she could look into being a Disney Channel star. (If she isn't my child I don't know who's she is) I asked her how she could glorify the Lord by being on T.V. she responded with "I could tell the director to make it Christian show." Sometimes I wish I still lived in that childlike perspective of the world. Well, for now you wont see her on the Disney Channel, but what you might see in the future is..."NB's Fashion House" where her line of clothing will be sold. :) Praying that the Lord will use her to lead women to do great things for the kingdom.
On to Caleb Michael, my baby....When I think about Caleb I think of pure sweetness. He is my love. He amazes me everyday. Caleb has such a excitement for everything he does that it makes you want to join in and do it too. Whether it be doing the moonwalk across the tile floor or playing the same level on Mario Bro's for the umpteenth time. He loves school as well and is constantly telling me "mom I like your school." Over the summer, at VBS, I think that Christ came into his life. Since then he has loved prayer and his prayers are so rich and beautiful. I cannot wait to see what the Lord does in Caleb's life! He is going to do Awesome things for the our God.

Life is certainly not easy for us. We are still chugging along in this crazy life. Most days we are just trying to keep our heads above the water. One piece of advice I have whether you do not have kids or you do... I ask you to pause and take the time sometimes to be thankful for the joys, hardship, and craziness of it all right where you are. The joys most of the time outweigh the all of the negatives. But in those times I am reminded that He is teaching me and molding me into the woman He wants me to be.

Looking forward to the next time I get to sit and be still. Taking a breath and knowing that He is.

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